9, 16, 23April, 2018
Fun with Science @ Excel Crop care Ltd.
Summer camp is a supervised program for children or teenagers conducted during the summer months. A personality can be shaped best if it can be shaped when the person is young & summer time is perfect for it. Summer time means skill & personality development with learn something new experience and increase your knowledge. With this aim every year Excel Crop care Ltd organised Tarun Vikas Shibir. There were various topics in this workshop. For Science & technology Subject Kalyan Regional Community Science Centre, Bhavnagar invited to be a part of this shibir. 1st day we held on fun with science programme. In this programme students learn about simple rules science used in our daily life with practices.
10, 17, 24April 2018
Science behind Superstition @Excel Crop care Ltd.
Summer camp is a supervised program for children or teenagers conducted during the summer months. A personality can be shaped best if it can be shaped when the person is young & summer time is perfect for it. Summer time means skill & personality development with learn something new experience and increase your knowledge. With this aim every year Excel Crop care Ltd organised Tarun Vikas Shibir. There were various topics in this workshop. For Science & technology Subject Kalyan Regional Community Science Centre, Bhavnagar invited to be a part of this shibir. 2nd day we held on science behind superstition programme. In this programme students learn difference between faith & superstition.
11, 18, 25& 30 April, 2018
Maths Model Making@ Excel Crop care Ltd.
Summer camp is a supervised program for children or teenagers conducted during the summer months. A personality can be shaped best if it can be shaped when the person is young & summer time is perfect for it. Summer time means skill & personality development with learn something new experience and increase your knowledge. With this aim every year Excel Crop care Ltd organised Tarun Vikas Shibir. There were various topics in this workshop. For Science & technology Subject Kalyan Regional Community Science Centre, Bhavnagar invited to be a part of this shibir. 1st day we held on fun with science programme. In this programme students learn about simple rules science used in our daily life with practices.
12, 19, 27 April, 2018
Our Surrounding Nature @Excel Crop care Ltd.
Summer camp is a supervised program for children or teenagers conducted during the summer months. A personality can be shaped best if it can be shaped when the person is young & summer time is perfect for it. Summer time means skill & personality development with learn something new experience and increase your knowledge. With this aim every year Excel Crop care Ltd organised Tarun Vikas Shibir. There were various topics in this workshop. For Science & technology Subject Kalyan Regional Community Science Centre, Bhavnagar invited to be a part of this shibir. 1st day we held on fun with science programme. In this programme students learn about simple rules science used in our daily life with practices.
13, 20, 28 April, 2018
Our Surrounding Nature @ Excel Crop care Ltd.
Summer camp is a supervised program for children or teenagers conducted during the summer months. A personality can be shaped best if it can be shaped when the person is young & summer time is perfect for it. Summer time means skill & personality development with learn something new experience and increase your knowledge. With this aim every year Excel Crop care Ltd organised Tarun Vikas Shibir. There were various topics in this workshop. For Science & technology Subject Kalyan Regional Community Science Centre, Bhavnagar invited to be a part of this shibir. 1st day we held on fun with science programme. In this programme students learn about simple rules science used in our daily life with practices.
14, 21, 29April, 2018
Our Surrounding Nature @ Excel Crop care Ltd.
Summer camp is a supervised program for children or teenagers conducted during the summer months. A personality can be shaped best if it can be shaped when the person is young & summer time is perfect for it. Summer time means skill & personality development with learn something new experience and increase your knowledge. With this aim every year Excel Crop care Ltd organised Tarun Vikas Shibir. There were various topics in this workshop. For Science & technology Subject Kalyan Regional Community Science Centre, Bhavnagar invited to be a part of this shibir. 1st day we held on fun with science programme. In this programme students learn about simple rules science used in our daily life with practices.
19 April, 201
Club Meeting:
Bhavnagar Astronomy Club (BAC) & Creative Chemistry Club (CCC) that work under the preview of KRCSC held their monthly meeting at the KRCSC office. The agenda of the meeting were to decide on the workshops that are to be arranged during the summer vacations. Further, the locations for the industrial visits were also finalized.
20 to 23April, 2018
Summer Camp for Primary Level Students (MSB No.59):
Exams are over and Summer vacation has begun. Summer vacation means a time to learn the methods and skills to do something new. Keeping this motive in view, KRCSC organized a 3 day Summer workshop in MSB. 59. A total of 50 students participated in the event.
On the 1st day our expert Mr. Harshad Joshi explained the students about the mechanism of a Rocket. Further to this, he also guided them on how to build a model rocket out of paper.
On the 2nd day Ms. Devyani Joshi and Ms. Gopika Dave did Fun and Learn activity with the students to help them understand the concepts of Science through fun experiments and activities?
On the 3rd and the last day of the workshop the participants were given an understanding of Mathematics through the Ramanujan Magic square Model.
22 April ,2018
Celebration of World Earth Day:
Earth Day is an annual event. We know it celebrated on April 22, on which day events worldwide are held to demonstrate support for environmental protection. It was first celebrated in 1970, and is now coordinated globally by the Earth Day Network, and celebrated in more than 192 countries each year. Numerous communities celebrate Earth Week, an entire week of activities focused on environmental issues. Kalyan Regional Community Science Centre with Gujarat Pollution Control Board organized Drawing competition on the theme of ‘End of plastic waste’ at VidhyaVihar primary school, Bhavnagar. In this drawing competitionwere there to motivate the students and also for prize distribution ceremony. We classified them in 2 different groups. 1st, 2nd & 3rd Winner from each groups got cash prize respectively and every participant got certificate in this Drawing competition. There were 200 students participated in this drawing competition.
1 May ,2018
Teacher Training Workshop
The Science means the systematic study of the nature and behaviour of the material and physical universe, based on observation, experiment, and measurement, and the formulation of laws to describe these facts in general terms. If person learn science in their early life it may be lead him/her in the era of Science. Kalyan Regional Community Science centre, Bhavnagar is working for science field to prepare scientist for Future of India through various programmes. “Joy Of Science” is a programme in which Teachers learn Various Science Rules by live Science experiments practical’s used in daily life and also included in their syllabus. In this way we explained different science rules like Balance, Air pressure, Water pressure, reaction between acid- bases etc. In this programme Teachers from primary school of whole Bhavnagar district participated. About 35 teachers benefited by this programme.
11 May, 2018
Cub Meeting:
Bhavnagar Astronomy Club, Creative Chemistry Club working under Kalyan Regional Community Science Centre plan meeting for club members. We all discuss about next meeting agenda, vacation workshop, and scientific day celebration. There were 50 students participated in this meeting.
11 May, 2018
Jupiter & Venues Gazing Programme @ Takhteshwar Temple:
Venus Jupiter conjunction as something very beautiful and wonderful. When these two attractive planets appear together in the sky, you will find them present a beautiful sight to the eyes.For Sky Watchers of Bhavnagar Kalyan Regional Community Science Centre, Bhavnagar organized Jupiter and Venues gazing programme at Takhteshwar Temple. In this Programme our expert Mr. Subhasbhai Mehta explained about solar system, details of both planets Venus and Mercury, Constellation. He also explained about how this event occurs. There more than 275 citizens were participated in this astronomical event.
24 May, 2018
Ground Breaking Ceremony of Regional Science Museum:
In order to strengthen the efforts to popularize the science and technology among the society, Government of Gujarat has decided to establish four state-of-art Regional Science Museums at Vadodara, Rajkot, Bhavnagar, Bhuj and Patan. With this motive ground breaking ceremony of Bhavnagar regional science museum is held on 24th may, 2018 Mr. BhumindrasinhChudasam( Education Minister) , Shri Vibhhavariben Dave (MLA, Bhavnagar), Shri NimubenBambhaniya (Mayor, Bhavnagar), Shri BharatibenShiyal (MLA), Shri Dhananjay Dwivedi (IAS: Secretary, DST, GOG) ,Dr.NarottamSahoo( Advisor, GUJCOST) were present in this ground breaking ceremony. Science outreach programme: quiz competition was organized for high school students participated in this ceremony. Quiz is held in two sessions. First session was MCQ round and second visual round. First, second and rest team of final round won rs.2500/-Rs.2000/- and Rs.1000/- prize respectively. There were more than 1200 students participated in this RSM ceremony.
29 May, 2018
Jupiter & Venues Gazing Programme @ Takhteshwar Temple:
The Sky Tonight is a monthly update of the amazing things you can find when looking up in the sky. Venus and Mars meet Once a year, so does Venus and Jupiter, Mars and Jupiter meet once every two or three year – but the unique opportunity to find them all together . For Sky Watchers of Bhavnagar Kalyan Regional Community Science Centre, Bhavnagar organized Jupiter and Venues gazing programme at Takhteshwar Temple. In this Programme our expert Mr. Subhasbhai Mehta explained about moon and its surface, how Constellation and Zodiac sign are connected. He further explained about extra month are occurred in Gujarati calendar. There more than 490 citizens were participated in this astronomical event.
1 June 2018
Cleaning Campaigning at Sea-Shore@ Koliyak:
World Environment Day is the UN's most important day for encouraging worldwide awareness and action for the protection of our environment. Since it began in 1974, it has grown to become a global platform for public outreach that is widely celebrated in over 100 countries.Each World Environment Day is organized around a theme that focuses attention on a particularly pressing environmental concern. The theme for 2018, “Beat Plastic Pollution,” is a call to action for all of us to come together to combat one of the great environmental challenges of our time.With this motive Kalyan Regional Community Science Centre, Bhavnagar and Gujarat Pollution Control Board, Bhavnagar collectively organized cleaning campaigning @ sea shore of Koliyak. In this programme Mr. Falgun Modi (R.O, GPCB, Bhavnagar , Mr. Harshad Joshi (Coordinator, KRCSC) staff members of GPCB, KRCSC, Club Members of Bhavnagar Astronomy club and Creative chemistry club working under KRCSC, Dignitaries and Staff members of Nirma Industry, Excel Crop Care Ltd., Agrocel Industry GMDC Industry were gathered to collect plastic from sea shore. There were 250 people participated in this cleaning campaigning.
4 June 2018
Cleaning Campaigning at Sea-Shore@ Amreli:
World Environment Day is the UN's most important day for encouraging worldwide awareness and action for the protection of our environment. Since it began in 1974, it has grown to become a global platform for public outreach that is widely celebrated in over 100 countries.Each World Environment Day is organized around a theme that focuses attention on a particularly pressing environmental concern. The theme for 2018, “Beat Plastic Pollution,” is a call to action for all of us to come together to combat one of the great environmental challenges of our time.With this motive Kalyan Regional Community Science Centre, Bhavnagar and Gujarat Pollution Control Board, Bhavnagar collectively organized cleaning campaigning @ sea shore of Koliyak. In this programme There were 250 people participated in this cleaning campaigning.
5 June , 2018
Drawing Competition on World Environment Day:
World Environment Day is the UN's most important day for encouraging worldwide awareness and action for the protection of our environment. Since it began in 1974, it has grown to become a global platform for public outreach that is widely celebrated in over 100 countries.Each World Environment Day is organized around a theme that focuses attention on a particularly pressing environmental concern. The theme for 2018, “Beat Plastic Pollution,” is a call to action for all of us to come together to combat one of the great environmental challenges of our time.With this motive Kalyan Regional Community Science Centre, Bhavnagar and Gujarat Pollution Control Board, Bhavnagar collectively organized Drawing competition @ Regional Science Museum. . In inauguration ceremony of this Programme Mr. Falgun Modi (R.O, GPCB), Mr. Harshad Monpara(President Of Biomass Briquette Association), Mr. Ramesh Joshi (R.S.M. supervisor), Mr. Pravin Patel (Industrialist),Mr. SaileshDabhi(Industrialist), Mr. Ramesh Gohil (Rtd. Section officer-MKBUUni.),Dr. Ashok Patel (Drawing Teacher),Mr. Malay Patel (Drawing Teacher),were present.Participants share their thoughts about the beat plastic. This competition organized in three groups. Winner of each group got Rs. 700/-, Rs.500/- and Rs.300/- cash prize respectively. Every participant got an certificate. There were more than 180 students participated in this competition.
6 June , 2018
Beat Plastic Awareness Campaigning By Street Play @ Palitana
World Environment Day is the UN's most important day for encouraging worldwide awareness and action for the protection of our environment. Since it began in 1974, it has grown to become a global platform for public outreach that is widely celebrated in over 100 countries.Each World Environment Day is organized around a theme that focuses attention on a particularly pressing environmental concern. The theme for 2018, “Beat Plastic Pollution,” is a call to action for all of us to come together to combat one of the great environmental challenges of our time.With this motive Kalyan Regional Community Science Centre, Bhavnagar and Gujarat Pollution Control Board, Bhavnagar collectively organized Street play to create awareness on beat plastic pollution. There were more than 500 people benefited by this programme.
8 June, 2018
Beat Plastic Awareness Campaigning By Street Play @ Mahuva:
World Environment Day is the UN's most important day for encouraging worldwide awareness and action for the protection of our environment. Since it began in 1974, it has grown to become a global platform for public outreach that is widely celebrated in over 100 countries.Each World Environment Day is organized around a theme that focuses attention on a particularly pressing environmental concern. The theme for 2018, “Beat Plastic Pollution,” is a call to action for all of us to come together to combat one of the great environmental challenges of our time.With this motive Kalyan Regional Community Science Centre, Bhavnagar and Gujarat Pollution Control Board, Bhavnagar collectively organized Street play to create awareness on beat plastic pollution. There were more than 350 people benefited by this programme.
19 June, 2018
Teacher Orientation Workshop for NCSC (District level @ Bhavnagar):
Since last 4 years KRCSC worked on the project of National Children Science Congress. Different School teachers know that what is NCSC, how to work in this projects KRCSC organised teacher orientation programme on 19th June @ Majirajba Girls High School,Bhavnagar. In this programme our Expertexplained history of NCSC, theme and sub theme, students how to work on this project and how to register their school online explained by project and academic coordinator. Our experts and evaluators were given guidance on the sub theme of Subject. More than 150 teachers from district participated in this programme.
20 June, 2018
Teacher Training on Magic of Chemicals:
Teaching is a very dynamic field with regular innovations in pedagogy and technology, and this renders professional development an ongoing, life-long process. Gujarat Education board introduce a new syllabus to all standards. So to induce new practices and its aspects Kalyan Regional Community Science Centre, Bhavnagarorganized teacher training on magic of chemicals @ Majirajba Girls High School, Bhavnagar. In this programme our expert demonstrates and explained various experiment like redox reaction, saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons etc. There were more than 175 teachers participated in this programme.
21 June, 2018
Celebration on International Yoga Day:
International Day of Yoga, or commonly and unofficially referred to as Yoga Day, is celebrated annually on 21 June since its inception in 2015. An international day for yoga was declared unanimously by the United Nations General Assembly Yoga is a physical, mental and spiritual practice originated in India. The Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi in his UN address suggested the date of 21 June, as it is the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere and shares a special significance in many parts of the world. To Celebrate International Yoga day Kalyan Regional Community Science Centre, Bhavnagar various yoga an at primary and secondary school of Bhavnagar district. In this programme our expert explained about yoga and its importance in our life. More than 500 students participated in this yoga day celebration.
21 June, 2018
Sun Spot Gazing Programme:
Sun is a source of energy. Sunspots are darker, cooler areas on the surface of the sun in a region called the photosphere. Sunspots are temporary phenomena on the Sun's photosphere that appear as spots darker than the surrounding areas. They are regions of reduced surface temperature caused by concentrations of magnetic field flux that inhibit convection. Sunspots usually appear in pairs of opposite magnetic polarity. Their number varies according to the approximately 11-year solar cycle. Kalyan Regional Community Science Centre, Bhavnagar sun spot Gazing programme for primary & secondary School students. In this programme our expert explained about what is sun spot, how it occurs. When it occurs etc. More than 350 students benefited by this programme.
28 June, 2018
Learn Without Lab:
Learning is the process of acquiring new or modifying existing knowledge, behaviours, skills, values, or preferences. For a science practical’s it is compulsory to use a laboratory. Due to some reasons students are not able to visit a laboratory. So students know about laboratory and lab instruments Kalyan Regional Community Science Centre, Bhavnagar held on learn without lab programme for primary, secondary and higher secondary school students. In this programme our expert explained about various kinds of practices and rules used in those practices. There were more than 200 students participated in this programme.
28 June, 2018
Universe Info by Slide Show:
We know the universe in infinite. We are not satisfied though we learn more and more about universe. To satisfy students curiosity of students related to universe Kalyan Regional Community Science Centre, Bhavnagar held on universe info by slide show programme for primary, secondary, Higher Secondary, Collage students. In this Programme our expert Mr. Harshad Joshi explained achievements of Indian Space agency ISRO, Various Launching vehicles, Indian Space Scientist and information about various planets, Satellites etc. There were 250 students benefited by this programme.
29 & 30 June, 2018
First Aid Awareness Programme:
In recent decade every person wants to be a part of race to become millionaire. Due to this race person didn’t care about their life. So some time met with an accidents or any calamity. During this calamity or accidents if you know how to treat an injured person so it may help him/her to save their life. With this motive Kalyan Regional Community Science Centre, Bhavnagar initiates a new programme First Aid awareness programme. During this month we organised 3 programme of First Aid. In this programme our expert Mr. Yashpal Vyas explained about various doctor knot, how to Bandage, how to make Stretcher during emergency. Use of basic medicine etc. There were 1200 students benefited by this programme.
4, 5, 6 &10 July,2018
Learn Without Lab:
Learning is the process of acquiring new or modifying existing knowledge, behaviours, skills, values, or preferences. For a science practical’s it is compulsory to use a laboratory. Due to some reasons students are not able to visit a laboratory. So students know about laboratory and lab instruments Kalyan Regional Community Science Centre, Bhavnagar held 5 programme of learn without lab programme for primary, secondary and higher secondary school students during this month. In this programme our expert explained about various kinds of practices and rules used in those practices. There were more than 1800 students participated in this programme.
3,4,9 , 24 & 25 July, 2018
Magic Of Chemicals:
We think chemicals means a scientist do various experiments with beaker, flask and many more lab equipment in laboratory. Nowadays chemicals are a part of our daily life though there are injurious to our health. The students learn about this chemicals and identify their used in our life Kalyan Regional Community Science Centre, Bhavnagar organised 5 programmes of magic of chemicals in primary, secondary and higher secondary schools of Bhavnagar district. In this programme our expert explained about various chemicals and it’s used in lab as well as daily life to the students. She also explained scientific name and regular name of those chemicals. There were more than 450 students benefited by this programme.
3rd , 12th& 24th July, 2018
Our Surrounding Nature:
From ancient time we are connected with nature but due to industrialization we are updated with new technology and become far from our culture. Nature includes tress, bird’s .land and many more. Students learn the usefulness of our nature Kalyan Regional Community Science Centre, Bhavnagar organised 3programmes of our surrounding nature in primary, secondary and higher secondary schools of Bhavnagar district. In this programme our expert explained about how to identify our surrounding trees and it’s used in Aayurveda. He further explained about birds and its identification. More than 600 students benefited by this programme,
11th July, 2018
Lecture on World Population Day:
On July 11th every year is an event known as World Population Day. You may not have heard of such a day before but it has been celebrated for almost three decades. The aim of this day is to focus the world’s attention on the importance of population issues. The Governing Council of the United Nations Development Programme recommended its introduction in 1989. Inspiration for this special day comes from the interest that was raised by “Five Billion Day” on 11th July, 1987. This was the day when the world’s population reached 5 billion. “Family Planning is a Human Right”, will be the focus of the 2018 celebration. To Create awareness about this day Kalyan Regional Community Science Centre, Bhavnagar organised lecture on the theme of this year “Family Planning is a Human Right” in V.P. Kapdiya College, Bhavnagar. In this workshop our expert Dr. Diptiben Shah explained about A basic human right is to be able to get safe and effective family planning. It should also be a voluntary choice. Gender equality and women’s empowerment depend on it. Furthermore, it is a key factor in reducing poverty. There were more than 300 girls benefited by this programme.
11th July, 2018
Drawing Competition on World Population Day:
On July 11th every year is an event known as World Population Day. You may not have heard of such a day before but it has been celebrated for almost three decades. The aim of this day is to focus the world’s attention on the importance of population issues. The Governing Council of the United Nations Development Programme recommended its introduction in 1989. Inspiration for this special day comes from the interest that was raised by “Five Billion Day” on 11th July, 1987. This was the day when the world’s population reached 5 billion. “Family Planning is a Human Right”, will be the focus of the 2018 celebration. To Create awareness about this day Kalyan Regional Community Science Centre, Bhavnagar organised Drawing competition on the theme of this year “Family Planning is a Human Right” in Swaminarayan Gurukul Bhavnagar. In this competition There were more than 150 students participated in this programme.
6th& 25th July, 2018
First Aid Awareness Programme:
In recent decade every person wants to be a part of race to become millionaire. Due to this race person didn’t care about their life. So some time met with an accidents or any calamity. During this calamity or accidents if you know how to treat an injured person so it may help him/her to save their life. With this motive Kalyan Regional Community Science Centre, Bhavnagarinitiates a new programme First Aid awareness programme. During this month we organised 3 programme of First Aid. In this programme our science communicator explained about various doctor knot, how to Bandage, how to make Stretcher during emergency. Use of basic medicine etc. There were 425 students benefited by this programme.
10th & 12th July, 2018
Superstition Awareness Programme:
Superstitions are usually attributed to a lack of education. A superstition means excessively credulous belief in and reverence for the supernatural. Kalyan Regional Community Science Centre organised this kind of programme to create scientific temperament to the students, women’s and in community. We explained science behind different superstitious experiment carried out by in our daily life by intentionally or Unintentionally. We carried out 6 programme of superstition awareness programme.
16th July, 2018
Celebration on World Snake Day:
The 16th of July is celebrated as World Snake Day. Though a relatively obscure holiday with unclear origins, it is celebrated by wildlife enthusiasts the world over with great passion. Tributes sometimes even make the national news. Given human society's age-old fascination with these beautiful but misunderstood creatures, a day to celebrate them seems only fair. To celebrate this day Kalyan Regional Community Science Centre, Bhavnagar organised snake awareness programme at swamivivekanand homeopathic college, Bhavnagar. In this our expert Mr. Yashpal Vyas explained about types of snake found in Gujarat as well as Bhavnagar district. He further explained about venomous and non venomous snake, snake bites, first aid when bite snake and do and don’t on snake bites. There were more than 100 students participated in this awareness programme.
25th July,2018
Workshop on Total Lunar Eclipse:
The month of July will end with unique celestial phenomena: a total lunar eclipse, a blood moon, which will be the longest one of the century. These events will play out simultaneously over the night sky, on the final hours of July 27, and the early hours of July 28. While all events will not be visible worldwide, India will fall under the zone in which the blood moon, lunar eclipse will be visible. For our club members Kalyan Regional Community Science Centre, Bhavnagar held on workshop on total lunar eclipse @ Vigyan Bhavna, Bhavnagar. In this workshop Mr. Subhasbhai Mehta explained about types of eclipse. Why this eclipse is important for the world. Various belief behind eclipse. More than 50 students participated in this workshop.
27th July,2018
Total Lunar Eclipse Gazing Programme @ Takhteshwar Temple:
The longest total lunar eclipse of the 21st century takes place this Friday, July 27.The total lunar eclipse will last for 6 hours and 14 minutes from start to end, with the full eclipse lasting 1 hour and 43 minutes. This is just 4 minutes shorter than the longest recorded eclipse on Earth, which took place on 16 July, 2000, and lasted a little over 1 hour and 46 minutes. This fell short of being the longest possible total lunar eclipse by a mere 48 seconds! Citizen of Bhavnagar witness this unforgettable astronomical event Kalyan Regional Community Science Centre, Bhavnagar held on total lunar eclipse gazing programme at highest point of Bhavnagar city Takhteshwar temple, Bhavnagar with various types of 4 telescopes. In this event our expert Mr. Harshad Joshi explained about scientific reason behind eclipses .KRCSC is also on live with face book and big screen. More than 3500 astronomy lover people witness this event.
28th July,2018
Celebration on Nature Conservation Day @ Victoria Park:
World Nature Conservation day is celebrated on July 28 across the world in order to raise awareness about protecting nature and conserving our natural resources. With problems like deforestation and illegal wildlife trade on the rise, nature conservation has gone up on the list of priorities for a lot of countries. In India, the increased urbanisation has led to issues like lack of wildlife habitat, loss of forest cover and pollution. The government has recognised this as a problem and taken initiative to reverse it. Kalyan Regional Community Science Centre, Bhavnagar held on visit to a Victoria park to celebrate this day. Our expert related to nature conservation gave information related to Victoria park like area covered by this park, birds and trees found in this park. He further told about herb centre, how many herbs are there in that herb centre. There were 50 students and 3 teachers from various school participated in this visit.
30th July, 2018
Fire Safety Awareness Programme:
We are living in the wireless communication era but still we used some wires, many types of injurious gases and explosion in our daily life. We have fire exhaustion in our home as well as our working place. But when any fire accident occurs we didn’t know the use of fire exhaustion. To create awareness about fire exhaustion Kalyan Regional Community Science Centre, Bhavnagar organised Fire Safety Awareness Programme at various in primary, secondary and higher secondary schools of Bhavnagar district. In this programme our science communicator explained about types of fire. Types of fire tank, the precautions during fire accidents. More than 150 students benefited by this programme.
31st July, 2018
Mars Gazing Programme @ Takhteshwar:
Mars will be closest to the Earth in a decade and a half today, on the night of July 31, 2018. The Earth will have the Red Planet and the Sun on either side, with the three celestial bodies in a straight line. Though the two planets will be at closest distances to each other, they will still be 57.6 million km apart. This will be the closest distance between Mars and Earth till October 2020, but the Red Planet’s visibility as good as today's only every 15-17 years. Mars will be at its closest and brightest to Earth in 15 years over the next few days so for Sky watcher Kalyan Regional Community Science Centre, Bhavnagar held on total lunar eclipse gazing programme at Takhteshwar temple, Bhavnagar. In this event our expert explained about mars, our Mars Mission, Various plants and constellations. More than 100 sky watcher were participated in this programme.
1st, 18th& 20th August, 2018
Learn Without Lab:
Learning is the process of acquiring new or modifying existing knowledge, behaviours, skills, values, or preferences. For a science practical’s it is compulsory to use a laboratory. Due to some reasons students are not able to visit a laboratory. So students know about laboratory and lab instruments Kalyan Regional Community Science Centre, Bhavnagar held 3 programme of learn without lab programme for primary, secondary and higher secondary school students during this month. In this programme our expert explained about various kinds of practices and rules used in those practices. There were more than 1000 students participated in this programme.
1st August,2018
Magic Of Chemicals:
We think chemicals means a scientist do various experiments with beaker, flask and many more lab equipment in laboratory. Nowadays chemicals are a part of our daily life though there are injurious to our health. The students learn about this chemicals and identify their used in our life Kalyan Regional Community Science Centre, Bhavnagar organised 5 programmes of magic of chemicals in primary, secondary and higher secondary schools of Bhavnagar district. In this programme our expert explained about various chemicals and it’s used in lab as well as daily life to the students. She also explained scientific name and regular name of those chemicals. There were more than 250 students benefited by this programme.
1st August,2018
Orientation Workshop On Atal Tinkering Lab:
The Atal Innovation Mission (AIM) was set up in NITI Aayog for transforming the innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem in the country. A key initiative of AIM is establishing a network of Atal Tinkering Laboratories (ATL) with the objective of creating scientific temper as well as cultivating the spirit of curiosity and creativity among young minds. In this Programme 4 schools of Bhavnagar district are selected in first and second list announced by NITI Aayog. In third phase other 5 schools of Bhavnagar district are selected for ATL. For further process related to ATL Kalyan Regional Community Science Centre, Bhavnagar held on orientation workshop for new selected schools ATL Coordinators. In this programme our selected schools ATL coordinators gave presentation on the various topics related to ATL. At last KRCSC coordinator Mr. Harshad Joshi explained how to prepare agreement. There were 80 students and teachers were participated in this workshop.
7th , 8th, 9th& 10th August, 2018
Vigyan Safar @ KRCSC:
Safar means visit the place in which we interested and get more information related to that place. KRCSC have two different model’s room and laboratory and Multimedia theatre. In Vigyan Safar programme students are allow to visit our science centre where they can see different science model, solar energy model, electric saving model, sensor related models etc. In laboratory students can see life cycle of different animals, living animal’s specimen& also do some experiment by themselves and at last in multimedia theatre students show different scientific movie. We carried out 4programme of Vigyan Safar. There were more than 500 students from various area of Bhavnagar city benefited by this programme.
8th& 20th August, 2018
Superstition Awareness Programme:
Superstitions are irrational. They have their roots in ignorance, blind faith, fear of the unknown, lack of scientific spirit and complexes. They reflect the weak side of mankind. Superstitions are found everywhere. They have a stronghold on man in spite of rapid advancement of modern science, technology and knowledge. They have been there from times immemorial. Kalyan Regional Community Science Centre, Bhavnagar with Swaminarayan Gurukul Lok Vigyan Kendra, BotadorganizedSuperstition Awareness programme for Community level. In this Programme our Expert explained about what is superstition, by different phenomena which are carrying out by our ancient time and explained scientific reason with practical demonstration &also told the scientific reason behind our rituals. There were 650 students benefited by this programme.
11th August, 2018
National Science Seminar-2018(District level @ Bhavnagar):
Every Year National Science Seminar (District level) organized by Kalyan Regional Community Science Centre supported by Gujarat Council on Science & technology department (GUJCOST).
We know the importance of pulses in our daily life. So KRCSC, Bhavnagar held District level National Science Seminar on 11th of August 2018 at Government Medical College, Bhavnagar on the theme of Industrial Revolution 4.0, Are we ready?
The lighting the lamp ceremony carried out by Mr. M.A Gandhi (Municipal Commissioner, Bhavnagar), Dr. B. N. Panchal (In. Dean, Government Medical Collage, Bhavnagar), Mr. Nitin Kankiya (Triveni Industry, Bhavnagar), Mr. Sunil Vadodariya (President, SCCI, Bhavnagar), Mr. Pareshbhai Trivedi (President of Kalyan Foundation), were explained about what is Industrial Revolution
In this competition Ms. Dabhi Hiral (Government High School, Chogath, Ta: Umrala), Ms. Ritika Jadeja (Naimishranya High School, Sidsar), Ms. Rutva Trivedi (B.B. Shah High School- Devgana) got First, Second & Third rank respectively. First & Second Ranker will go to State level Competition for represent Bhavnagar District. There were 109 Primary& Secondary School students and teachers participated in this competition. Every Participant got certificate.117 Students with 84 Teachers and 15 others as total 216 were present in this district level competition.
13th August, 2018
Celebration on Birth anniversary of Dr. Vikram Sarabhai
Vikram Sarabhai or Vikram Ambalal Sarabhai who would have turned 100 on 13 august, 2018 .A rare combination of a scientist, an innovator, industrialist and a visionary. He was one of the greatest scientists produced by India, and was known as the father of the Indian space programme. One of his first milestones was establishing the Physical Research Laboratory (PRL) in Ahmadabad on November 11, 1947. He was only 28 at that time. Sarabhai served for PRL from 1966-1971. He also served as a Chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission. Along with other Ahmadabad-based industrialists, he played a major role in the creation of the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmadabad. To celebrate this memorable great scientist birthday Kalyan Regional Community Science Centre, Bhavnagar held tree plantation programme at Department of Life Science, MKB Uni., and Bhavnagar. Dr. Bharatsinh Gohil (H.O.D. , Department of Life Science, MKBU) And All Student With Science Communicator. There were more than 100 trees plant by students and teacher.
September- 2018:
Science Behind Superstition:
Superstitions are irrational. They have their roots in ignorance, blind faith, fear of the unknown, lack of scientific spirit and complexes. They reflect the weak side of mankind. Superstitions are found everywhere. They have a stronghold on man in spite of rapid advancement of modern science, technology and knowledge. They have been there from times immemorial. Kalyan Regional Community Science Centre, Bhavnagar with Swaminarayan Gurukul Lok Vigyan Kendra, BotadorganizedSuperstition Awareness programme for Community level. In this Programme our Expert explained about what is superstition, by different phenomena which are carrying out by our ancient time and explained scientific reason with practical demonstration & also told the scientific reason behind our rituals. There were 258 students benefited by this programme.
Magic Of Chemicals:
We think chemicals means a scientist do various experiments with beaker, flask and many more lab equipment in laboratory. Nowadays chemicals are a part of our daily life though there are injurious to our health. The students learn about this chemicals and identify their used in our life Kalyan Regional Community Science Centre, Bhavnagar organised 5 programmes of magic of chemicals in primary, secondary and higher secondary schools of Bhavnagar district. In this programme our expert explained about various chemicals and it’s used in lab as well as daily life to the students. She also explained scientific name and regular name of those chemicals. There were more than 350 students benefited by this programme.
Fire Safety Awareness Programme:
We are living in the wireless communication era but still we used some wires, many types of injurious gases and explosion in our daily life. We have fire exhaustion in our home as well as our working place. But when any fire accident occurs we didn’t know the use of fire exhaustion. To create awareness about fire exhaustion Kalyan Regional Community Science Centre, Bhavnagar organised Fire Safety Awareness Programme at various in primary, secondary and higher secondary schools of Bhavnagar district. In this programme our science communicator explained about types of fire. Types of fire tank, the precautions during fire accidents. More than 168 students benefited by this programme.
12th September, 2018
Our Surrounding Nature:
From ancient time we are connected with nature but due to industrialization we are updated with new technology and become far from our culture. Nature includes tress, bird’s .land and many more. Students learn the usefulness of our nature Kalyan Regional Community Science Centre, Bhavnagar organised 3 programmes of our surrounding nature in primary, secondary and higher secondary schools of Bhavnagar district. In this programme our expert explained about how to identify our surrounding trees and it’s used in Aayurveda. He further explained about birds and its identification. More than 220 students benefited by this programme.
12th September, 2018
Learn Without Lab:
Learning is the process of acquiring new or modifying existing knowledge, behaviours, skills, values, or preferences. For a science practical’s it is compulsory to use a laboratory. Due to some reasons students are not able to visit a laboratory. So students know about laboratory and lab instruments Kalyan Regional Community Science Centre, Bhavnagar held 3 programme of learn without lab programme for primary, secondary and higher secondary school students during this month. In this programme our expert explained about various kinds of practices and rules used in those practices. There were more than 190 students participated in this programme.
First Aid Awareness Programme:
In recent decade every person wants to be a part of race to become millionaire. Due to this race person didn’t care about their life. So some time met with an accidents or any calamity. During this calamity or accidents if you know how to treat an injured person so it may help him/her to save their life. With this motive Kalyan Regional Community Science Centre, Bhavnagar initiates a new programme First Aid awareness programme. During this month we organised 3 programme of First Aid. In this programme our expert Mr. Yashpal Vyas explained about various doctor knot, how to Bandage, how to make Stretcher during emergency. Use of basic medicine etc. There were 165 students benefited by this programme.
National Rural I.T Quiz-2017 ( State level) by GUJCOST(Participation):
State level National Rural I.T Quiz organized by GUJCOST. Best 10 winning teams from Bhavnagar district participated in State level Competition held at Vishva Kadi Sarva Vishwa vidhyalaya, Gandhinagar on 06th September, 2018. From whole Gujarat 320 teams were participated.
15th September,2018.
Science and Mathematics Model exhibition @ M.S.B. School No – 31
Kalyan Regional Community Science Centre exhibited Maths-Science and space Model exhibition in Cluster level Science fair at MSB School no.31, Bhavnagar. In maths- Science model exhibition students show different models like sensor related models, models explained different scientific rules, Solar model, maths model and different maths puzzles. We also them also a space related model in this students show space satellite, telescope etc. More than 250 students & Teacher visited this model exhibition
16thSeptember 2018
Celebration on World Ozone Day Drawing Competition @ Gurukul :
International Day for the preservation of Ozone Layer is an annual observance. It is celebrated on 16th of September every year to spread awareness and bring attention to the depletion of the ozone layer. This year theme of Ozone day is “KEEP COOL AND CARRY ON: MONTREAL PROTOCOL”. Kalyan Regional Community Science Centre with Gujarat Pollution Control Board organised Drawing Competition at Swaminarayan Gurukul, Bhavnagar. In this Competition student from standard 5 to 12 were participated. Students draw picture on their thought based on save ozone. There were more than 150 students participated in this competition. 1st, 2nd and 3rd winner got Rs. 500/-, Rs. 300/- and Rs. 200/- Cash prize and every participants got certificate.
16thSeptember 2018
Celebration on World Ozone Day Drawing Competition @ Kalakendra:
International Day for the preservation of Ozone Layer is an annual observance. It is celebrated on 16th of September every year to spread awareness and bring attention to the depletion of the ozone layer. This year theme of Ozone day is “KEEP COOL AND CARRY ON: MONTREAL PROTOCOL”. Kalyan Regional Community Science Centre with Gujarat Pollution Control Board organised Drawing Competition and Colouring at Kala Kendra, Bhavnagar. In this competition dignitaries Dias Shri Falgun Modi (RO, GPCB, Bhavnagar), Shri Bharatbhai Pandya (Drawing Teacher), Shri Saileshbhai Dabhi (Coordinator Fine Arts College, Bhavnagar) were present to motivate the students. This competition is divided in three groups,- Age- 5 to 12 (Group- A), age-12 to 20 (Group- B) and Age-above -21 (Group-C). Students from Age 1 to 5 have colouring competition. Each age group students draw an Picture on Save ozone and stop Pollutions. There were more than 260 students participated in this competition. 1st, 2nd and 3rd winner got Rs. 500/-, Rs. 300/- and Rs. 200/- Cash prize and every participants got certificate.
17thSeptember 2018
Lecture on World Ozone Day @ Women ITI:
International Day for the preservation of Ozone Layer is an annual observance. It is celebrated on 16th of September every year to spread awareness and bring attention to the depletion of the ozone layer. This year theme of Ozone day is “KEEP COOL AND CARRY ON: MONTREAL PROTOCOL”. Kalyan Regional Community Science Centre with Gujarat Pollution Control Board organised Lecture on Ozone Layer: Our Protector at Women ITI Bhavnagar. In this Programme The Chief Guest & Expert of this programme Dr.Bharatsinh Gohil (HOD, Dept. Of Life Science. M.K.B University, Bhavnagar) explain about Various Layer of Atmosphere, where we can find Ozone Layer, impotence of Ozone Layer, why it necessary for all of us. There were more than 50 students participated in this lecture.
17thSeptember 2018
Celebration on World Ozone Day Quiz Competition @ Women ITI:
International Day for the preservation of Ozone Layer is an annual observance. It is celebrated on 16th of September every year to spread awareness and bring attention to the depletion of the ozone layer. This year theme of Ozone day is “KEEP COOL AND CARRY ON: MONTREAL PROTOCOL”. Kalyan Regional Community Science Centre with Gujarat Pollution Control Board organised QuizCompetition at Women ITI Bhavnagar. In this Programme there were two rounds. First round contain 20 questions and 2nd round contain 15 questions. There were tough competitions among students. There were more than 50 students participated in this competition. 1st and 3 students got 2ndrank. Each of them got Rs. 500/-, Rs. 300Cash prize and every participants got certificate.
17thSeptember 2018
National Science Seminar (State level) Organised by GUJCOST(Participation)
State level Science Seminar organised by GUJCOST at Science City, Ahmadabad on 17thSeptember 2018. District winner Hiral Dabhi (Gov. high School, Chogath Ta. Vallbhipur.) and Ritika Jadeja (Naimishyaranya English Medium, Bhavnagar) participated in state level competition. From whole Gujarat 60 students were participated.
18thSeptember 2018
Science and Mathematics Model exhibition @ M.S.B. School No – 08
Kalyan Regional Community Science Centre exhibited Maths-Science and space Model exhibition in City level Science fair at MSB School no.08, Bhavnagar. In maths- Science model exhibition students show different models like sensor related models, models explained different scientific rules, Solar model, maths model and different maths puzzles. We also them also a space related model in this students show space satellite, telescope etc. More than 500 students & Teacher visited this model exhibition.
19th September 2018
Teacher Orientation Workshop on NCSC @ Vishuddhanand High School:
Since last 25 years’ National Children Science Congress project worked in India under Department of science and technology Govt. of India. Gujarat Council on Science and Technology handle this project in Gujarat. Focal theme and Sub theme are changed every two year. This year the theme of NCSC is SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY & INNOVATION FOR A CLEAN , GREEN & HEALTHY NATION To Explained About New Theme and Sub Theme Kalyan Regional Community Science Centre Bhavnagar organised Teacher Orientation Workshop on 19th, September 2018 at Shri Vishuddhanand Vidhay Mandir , Bhavnagar. In this programme our Expert Mr. Bhavesh Vyas (District Academic Coordinator- NCSC) explained history of NCSC, theme and sub theme, students how to work on this project and how to register their school on NCSC Web portal. Our evaluators Mr. Harshad Joshi was given guidance on the sub theme of Subject. More than 100 teachers from district participated in this programme.
19th September 2018
Science and Mathematics Model exhibition @ Koliyak K.V School
Kalyan Regional Community Science Centre exhibited Maths-Science and space Model exhibition in Taluka level Science fair at Koliyak K.V. School, Ta: Bhavnagar. In maths- Science model exhibition students show different models like sensor related models, models explained different scientific rules, Solar model, maths model and different maths puzzles. We also them also a space related model in this students show space satellite, telescope etc. More than 400 students & Teacher visited this model exhibition
28th September 2018
Scientific Movie Show in District Level Science Fair @ Dagapur Village:
This year District level Science fair Organised in Dagapur Village, Ta: Ghogha. Kalyan Regional Community Science Centre Bhavnagar organised invited to participate in this science fair. To Crate imaginative concepts such as advanced science and technology KRCSC Organized Scientific Movie show in this fair. We saw various scientific movies which explores the potential consequences of scientific and other innovations, and has been called a "literature of ideas”. There were more than 1000 students, villagers participated in this programme.
28thSeptember 2018
Sky Gazing by Telescope @ District Level Science Fair.
Kalyan Regional Community Science Organized Sky Gazing Programme at Dagapur Village, Ta: Ghogha. Our expert Mr. Harshad Joshi explained about moon and its phases, geodic sign different Constellation, how to find cold star, how to find different Constellation to the students and how to saw them with help of telescope. There were 750 citizens benefited by this programme.
2nd October,2018
Education tour at Victoria Park (Celebration of World Wild Life Week):
Wildlife Week is celebrated every year in India between October 1 and 8. The annual theme of the campaign is to promote the preservation of fauna – i.e. animal life. To celebrate wild life week Kalyan Regional Community Science Centre, Bhavnagar organised educational tour at Victoria Park, Bhavnagar for life science department students. In this visit our Expert explained about various birds and animals, how to identify them as per their characteristics’. He further explained about various herbs plant found in herb garden. There were more than 70 students participated in this tour.
2nd October,2018
Lecture on Wild Life Conservation (Celebration of World Wild Life Week):
Wildlife Week is celebrated all over the country in the month of October from 2nd to 8thOctober every year with the view to preserve the fauna means the animal life of the India. To celebrate wild life week Kalyan Regional Community Science Centre, Bhavnagar organised lecture on world life conservation at RaghukulVidhyalay, Bhavnagar. In this lecture our expert explained out why we have to celebrate this week, importance of wild animals and plant in our life as well as our ecosystem. There were more than 100 students benefited by this programme.
2nd October,2018
Wild Life Quiz Competition (Celebration of World Wild Life Week):
Wildlife Week is celebrated all over the country in the month of October from 2nd to 8thOctober every year with the view to preserve the fauna means the animal life of the India. To celebrate wild life week Kalyan Regional Community Science Centre, Bhavnagar organised wild life quiz competition at Raghukul Vidhyalay, Bhavnagar. In this quiz competition students had to answer ask question. There were more than 100 students benefited by this programme.
2nd October,2018
Club Meeting:
Every month KRCSC Bhavnagar organized BAC & CCC club meeting. In this meeting club member discuss about new innovations in science share their views about new ideas. There were 30 members participated in this meeting.
3rd October,2018
Sky Gazing Programme @ Velavadar National Park:
We know the Father of Nation Gandhiji but we don’t know that he has keen interest in astronomy. To create awareness among people about astronomy Cultural department of India organise Bapu Khagol Mela to celebrate 150th birth anniversary of Gandhiji. As a part of this programme Kalyan Regional Community Science Centre, Bhavnagar organised Sky Gazing by telescope at Velavadar National Park. In this programme our expert explained and saw phase of moon, various planets nearby earth. More than 100 students participated in this event.
3rd October,2018
Essay competition (Celebration of World Wild Life Week):
Wildlife Week is celebrated all over the country in the month of October from 2nd to 8thOctober every year with the view to preserve the fauna means the animal life of the India. To celebrate wild life week Kalyan Regional Community Science Centre, Bhavnagar organised Essay competition at B.N. Virani High School, Bhavnagar. In this essay competition students write an essay on wild life conservation. In this competition students write their thought about conservation of wild life. There were 120 students participated in this competition.
4th October,2018
Lecture on Wild Life Conservation (Celebration of World Wild Life Week):
Wildlife Week is celebrated all over the country in the month of October from 2nd to 8thOctober every year with the view to preserve the fauna means the animal life of the India. To celebrate wild life week Kalyan Regional Community Science Centre, Bhavnagar organised lecture on world life conservation at Aashutosh Vidhyalay, Bhavnagar. In this lecture our expert explained out why we have to celebrate this week, importance of wild animals and plant in our life as well as our ecosystem. There were more than 50 students benefited by this programme.
4th October,2018
Wild Life Quiz Competition (Celebration of World Wild Life Week):
Wildlife Week is celebrated all over the country in the month of October from 2nd to 8thOctober every year with the view to preserve the fauna means the animal life of the India. To celebrate wild life week Kalyan Regional Community Science Centre, Bhavnagar organised wild life quiz competition at Raghukul Vidhyalay, Bhavnagar. In this quiz competition students had to answer ask question. There were more than 100 students benefited by this programme.
4th October,2018
Drawing competition (Celebration of World Wild Life Week):
Wildlife Week is celebrated all over the country in the month of October from 2nd to 8thOctober every year with the view to preserve the fauna means the animal life of the India. To celebrate wild life week Kalyan Regional Community Science Centre, Bhavnagar organised Drawing competition at Nari Girls School, At: Nari, Ta: Bhavnagar. In this Drawing competition students draw a picture on wild life conservation. In this competition students write their thought about conservation of wild life. There were 70 students participated in this competition.
5th October,2018
Education tour at Victoria Park (Celebration of World Wild Life Week):
Wildlife Week is celebrated every year in India between October 1 and 8. The annual theme of the campaign is to promote the preservation of fauna – i.e. animal life. To celebrate wild life week Kalyan Regional Community Science Centre, Bhavnagar organised educational tour at Victoria Park, Bhavnagar for life science department students. In this visit our Expert explained about various birds and animals, how to identify them as per their characteristics’. He further explained about various herbs plant found in herb garden. There were more than 70 students participated in this tour.
5th October,2018
Drawing competition (Celebration of World Wild Life Week):
Wildlife Week is celebrated all over the country in the month of October from 2nd to 8thOctober every year with the view to preserve the fauna means the animal life of the India. To celebrate wild life week Kalyan Regional Community Science Centre, Bhavnagar organised Drawing competition at Gyandhar Vidhyamandir, At: Nari, Ta: Bhavnagar. In this Drawing competition students draw a picture on wild life conservation. In this competition students write their thought about conservation of wild life. There were 70 students participated in this competition.
5th October,2018
Science Behind Superstition Programme:
Superstitions are irrational. They have their roots in ignorance, blind faith, fear of the unknown, lack of scientific spirit and complexes. They reflect the weak side of mankind. Superstitions are found everywhere. They have a stronghold on man in spite of rapid advancement of modern science, technology and knowledge. They have been there from times immemorial. Kalyan Regional Community Science Centre, Bhavnagar organized Science Behind Superstition programme at Gheti K.V. School, At: Gheti In this Programme our Expert explained about what is superstition, by different phenomena which are carrying out by our ancient time and explained scientific reason with practical demonstration & also told the scientific reason behind our rituals. There were 220 students benefited by this programme.
5th October,2018
Magic Of Chemicals:
We think chemicals means a scientist do various experiments with beaker, flask and many more lab equipment in laboratory. Nowadays chemicals are a part of our daily life though there are injurious to our health. The students learn about this chemicals and identify their used in our life Kalyan Regional Community Science Centre, Bhavnagar organised 1 programmes of magic of chemicals in primary, secondary and higher secondary schools of Bhavnagar district. In this programme our expert explained about various chemicals and it’s used in lab as well as daily life to the students. She also explained scientific name and regular name of those chemicals. There were more than 100 students benefited by this programme
6th and 7thOctober,2018
Drawing competition (Celebration of World Wild Life Week):
Wildlife Week is celebrated all over the country in the month of October from 2nd to 8thOctober every year with the view to preserve the fauna means the animal life of the India. To celebrate wild life week Kalyan Regional Community Science Centre, Bhavnagar organised Drawing competition at Swaminarayan Gurukul and Sardar Patel Campus, Bhavnagar. In this Drawing competition students draw a picture on wild life conservation. In this competition students write their thought about conservation of wild life. There were 120 students participated in this competition.
6th October,2018
Essay competition (Celebration of World Wild Life Week):
Wildlife Week is celebrated all over the country in the month of October from 2nd to 8thOctober every year with the view to preserve the fauna means the animal life of the India. To celebrate wild life week Kalyan Regional Community Science Centre, Bhavnagar organised Drawing competition at Swaminarayan Gurukul, Bhavnagar. In this Drawing competition students draw a picture on wild life conservation. In this competition students write their thought about conservation of wild life. There were 120 students participated in this competition.
6th October,2018
National Children Science Congress (Pre-District level @ Bhavnagar)
Since last 25 years’ National Children Science Congress project worked in India under Department of science and technology Govt. of India. Gujarat Council on Science and Technology handle this project in Gujarat. As parts of this project National Children Science Congress-2018 organized by Kalyan Regional Community Science Centre Bhavnagar on 6th October, 2018 at KRCSC, Bhavnagar. The programmes Dr. Hitesh Shah (Associate Prof. Sir P.P Science Collage, Bhavnagar), Dr. Pranav Shah (Associated Prof. Homeopathic Collage, Bhavnagar) Shri Bhaveshbhai Vyas (District Academic Coordinator NCSC), were present to motivate the students. There were 30 Upper primaries and Secondary School students presented their research work prepared by a team of 2 members by selecting various subthemes under focal theme “Science, Technology & innovation for Clean, Green and Healthy Nation.
8th October,2018
National Science Drama Festival-2018 (District level):
To create awareness about varied subjects among a community National Council on Science museum, Mumbai and Nehru Science centre organize National Science Drama Festival every year. GUJCOST coordinate and organize the National Science Drama in Gujarat. Kalyan Regional Community Science Centre supported by Gujarat Council on Science & technology department (GUJCOST) Organised Science Drama Festival-2018 is on 7th October, 2018 @ A.K. Mordiya High School, At: Nari, Ta: Bhavnagar in Bhavnagar District. The Theme of the Drama is SCIENCE FOR SOCIETY. Lighting Ceremony of this programme carried out by Mr. Subhasbhai Joshi (Rtd. Employee SPI, Bhavnagar), Mr. Deep Vyas (Teacher, D.J. Mehta High School Bhavnagar), Mr. Satishbhai Makwana (Teacher, D.J. Mehta High School Bhavnagar), Mr. Ashwin Patel (Principal, A.K. Mordiya High School) and Mr. Harshad Joshi (Coordinator- KRCSC). There were 200 people including 88 students from various school Students & teachers of Bhavnagar district benefited by this programme. G.M. Donda Primary School Secured first rank in this competition.
8th October,2018
Education tour at Victoria Park (Celebration of World Wild Life Week):
Wildlife Week is celebrated every year in India between October 1 and 8. The annual theme of the campaign is to promote the preservation of fauna – i.e. animal life. To celebrate wild life week Kalyan Regional Community Science Centre, Bhavnagar organised educational tour at Victoria Park, Bhavnagar for life science department students. In this visit our Expert explained about various birds and animals, how to identify them as per their characteristics’. He further explained about various herbs plant found in herb garden. There were more than 70 students participated in this tour.
9th October,2018
Education tour at Victoria Park (Celebration of World Wild Life Week):
Wildlife Week is celebrated every year in India between October 1 and 8. The annual theme of the campaign is to promote the preservation of fauna – i.e. animal life. To celebrate wild life week Kalyan Regional Community Science Centre, Bhavnagar organised educational tour at Victoria Park, Bhavnagar for life science department students. In this visit our Expert explained about various birds and animals, how to identify them as per their characteristics’. He further explained about various herbs plant found in herb garden. There were more than 70 students participated in this tour.
17th October,2018
Science Behind Superstition @ Swaminarayan Temple:
Superstitions are irrational. They have their roots in ignorance, blind faith, fear of the unknown, lack of scientific spirit and complexes. They reflect the weak side of mankind. Superstitions are found everywhere. They have a stronghold on man in spite of rapid advancement of modern science, technology and knowledge. They have been there from times immemorial. Kalyan Regional Community Science Centre, Bhavnagar organized Science Behind Superstition programme at Swaminarayan Temple. In this Programme our Expert Mr. Anil Patel explained about what is superstition, by different phenomena which are carrying out by our ancient time and explained scientific reason with practical demonstration & also told the scientific reason behind our rituals. There were 150 peoples benefited by this programme.
24th October,2018
Sky Gazing Programme @ Takhteshwar Temple:
We know the Father of Nation Gandhiji but we don’t know that he has keen interest in astronomy. To create awareness among people about astronomy Cultural department of India organise Bapu Khagol Mela to celebrate 150th birth anniversary of Gandhiji. As a part of this programme Kalyan Regional Community Science Centre, Bhavnagar organised Sky Gazing by telescope at Takhteshwar Temple, Bhavnagar In this programme our expert Mr. Subhasbhai Mehta explained and saw phase of moon of Sharad Purnima. He Further explained Scientific reason of eating “Dudh Pauha”. More than 320people participated in this event.
25th October,2018
Sky Gazing Programme:
We know the Father of Nation Gandhi but we don’t know that he has keen interest in astronomy. To create awareness among people about astronomy Cultural department of India organise BapuKhagol Mela to celebrate 150th birth anniversary of Gandhi. As a part of this programme Kalyan Regional Community Science Centre, Bhavnagar organised Sky Gazing by telescope at Velavadar National Park. In this programme our expert explained and saw phase of moon, various planets nearby earth. More than 250people participated in this event.
25th& 26th October,2018
Annual Review Meeting:
Gujarat Council on Science and Technology (GUJCOST), Gandhinagar organise annual review meeting for the year 2016 and 2017 at Science City, Ahmadabad. In this meeting every CSC member has to present their annual work through PPT.
26th October,2018
National Children Science Congress (District level @ M.J.C.K.R. Campus, Songadh, Shihor)
Since last 25 years’ National Children Science Congress project worked in India under Department of science and technology Govt. of India. Gujarat Council on Science and Technology handle this project in Gujarat. As parts of this project National Children Science Congress-2018 organizedby Kalyan Regional Community Science Centre Bhavnagar on 4th November 2018 at “Vigyan Bhavan” Bhavnagar. The lighting ceremony carried out by Dr. Hitesh Shah (Associate Prof. Sir P.P Science Collage, Bhavnagar), Dr. Niraj Rajyaguru (Principal, Kobadi Primary School), Shri Bhaveshbhai Vyas (District Academic Coordinator NCSC), Mr. Sailesh Dabhi and Mr. Harshad Joshi (Coordinator-KRCSC) was present to encourage the students. There were 39 Upper primaries and Secondary School students presented their research work prepared by a team of 2 members by selecting various subthemes under focal theme “Science, Technology & innovation for Clean, Green and Healthy Nation” of NCSC. There were best 10 projects representing Bhavnagar district in state level NCSC-2018.
26th October,2018
Sky Gazing Programme:@ M.J.C.K.R. Campus, Songadh.
We know the Father of Nation Gandhiji but we don’t know that he has keen interest in astronomy. To create awareness among people about astronomy Cultural department of India organise Bapu Khagol Mela to celebrate 150th birth anniversary of Gandhiji. In 1923 Gandhiji visit a jain aashram at Songadh, Shihor. During this visit, he established the idol of Bharat Mata in Jain Ashram as a part of this programme Kalyan Regional Community Science Centre, Bhavnagar organised Sky Gazing by telescope at M.J.C.K.R. Campus ,Songadh. In this programme our expert explained and saw phase of moon, various planets nearby earth. More than 250people participated in this event.
4th November, 2018
National Children Science Congress (District level @ Bhavnagar)
Since last 25 years’ National Children Science Congress project worked in India under Department of science and technology Govt. of India. Gujarat Council on Science and Technology handle this project in Gujarat. As parts of this project National Children Science Congress-2018 organized by Kalyan Regional Community Science Centre Bhavnagar on 4th November 2018 at “Vigyan Bhavan” Bhavnagar. The lighting ceremony carried out by Dr. Hitesh Shah (Associate Prof. Sir P.P Science Collage, Bhavnagar), Dr. Niraj Rajyaguru (Principal, Kobadi Primary School), Shri Bhaveshbhai Vyas (District Academic Coordinator NCSC), Mr. Sailesh Dabhi and Mr. Harshad Joshi (Coordinator-KRCSC) was present to encourage the students. There were 39 Upper primaries and Secondary School students presented their research work prepared by a team of 2 members by selecting various subthemes under focal theme “Science, Technology & innovation for Clean, Green and Healthy Nation” of NCSC. There were best 10 projects representing Bhavnagar district in state level NCSC-2018.
12,November , 2018
Improvement Programme for NCSC state level: (phrase-1)
National Children Science Congress-2018, District level organized by Kalyan Regional Community Science Centre Bhavnagar on 04th November 2018 at KRCSC, Bhavnagar. Best 10 projects were selected for state level NCSC-2018 held at Ahmadabad. For this selected programme KRCSC organised improvement programme at KRCSC. In this programme district evaluators are came and listen their research presentation. According to that they gave a suggestion to the child scientist that in which area they have to improve their Project work. So they can achieve their goal in state level NCSC.
20 November , 2018
Improvement Programme for NCSC state level: (phrase-2)
National Children Science Congress-2018, Improvement programme phrase – 2 Organized by KRCSC.
22 November,2018
State Level Science Drama Festival @ Science City:
Every year CSC from all District organize district level National Science Drama festival. In this competition
Drama which represent current situation by their casting & convene a good message through it.
GUJCOST organize state level National Science Drama festival @Science city held on 21st& 22nd November,2018. In this competition district winner from all district put in this connotation. State winner team will be participating in zone level competition held at Mumbai.
23 November,2018
Sky Gazing Programme :
We know the Father of Nation Gandhiji but we don’t know that he has keen interest in astronomy. To create awareness among people about astronomy Cultural department of India organise Bapu Khagol Mela to celebrate 150th birth anniversary of Gandhiji. As a part of this programme Kalyan Regional Community Science Centre, Bhavnagar organised Sky Gazing by telescope at Takhteshwar Temple, Bhavnagar. In this sky gazing all people benefited by a lecture on Kartiki Purnima and moon phrases. Our expert Mr. Subhasbhai Mehta explained and saw phase of moon of Kartiki Purnima. And also explain about constellation and discuss about some secret about galaxy. Astronomy club organize a sky gazing by Telescope and show a super moon and mars planet. In this programme more then 125 people were benefited.
29 November, 2018
Lecture on celebration on National Milk Day:
The National Milk Day (NMD) was observed on 26 November is to mark birth anniversary Dr.Verghese Kurien, father of the white Revolution in India. To celebrate this day Kalyan Regional Community Science Centre, Bhavnagar organized a lecture on importance of milk in our daily life at Tapovan mahila Mandal. In this Lecture our expert explain Milk is the primary source of nutrition for infant mammals before they are able to digest other types of food that why Milk is especially beneficial for children. And also discus about importance of milk nutrition. More than 20 women gets knowledge about it.
29 November, 2018
Recipe competition on National Milk Day Celebration Programme:
This year it was 95th birth anniversary of Dr.Verghese Kurien and third edition of observance of
the day science it was established in 2014.Dr.VergheseKurien, father of the white Revolution in India a great example for people how to use milk in our daily life and why milk is important for us. On Celebration of this day Kalyan Regional Community Science Centre Bhavnagar organized a recipe competition by Milk for Tapovan Mahila Mandal, Bhavnagar. In this Competition our expert Mrs. Maltiben Purohit gave 1st,2nd and 3rd rank and also all participated member discuss about their recipe. In this competition 20 woman’s participated.
2nd& 3rd December, 2018
National Children Science Congress-2018 (State Level) @ Gujarat Vidhyapith, Ahmadabad.
Since last 25 years National Children Science Congress project worked in India under Department of science and technology Govt. of India. Gujarat Council on Science and Technology handle this project in Gujarat. As parts of this Project District level National Children Science Congress-2018 organized by Kalyan Regional Community Science Centre Bhavnagar on 04th November 2018 at Vigyan Bhavan. State level National Children Science Congress-2018 organized by GUJCOST on 2nd& 03rd December, 2018 at Gujarat Vidhyapith, Ahmadabad. There were 330 research project presented by child scientist. There were 26 research project selected for National level. In this competition4 Child scientists- Shaili Andharia, Jency Gundigara, Hetal Dodiya and Rohan Joshi from Bhavnagar district selected for National Level National Children Science Congress held at Bhuvneshwar.
5th December,2018
Lecture on Our Soil (Celebration on Soil Day):@ Boradi High School, Ta. Mahuva, Bhavnagar.
World Soil Day (WSD) is held annually on 5thDecember as a means to focus attention on the importance of healthy soil and advocating for the sustainable management of soil resources. Kalyan Regional Community Science Centre, Bhavnagar organised lecture on our soil for high school students. In this lecture our expert explained about what is soil? Types of soil , important of soil in our life. Which type of soil is required for different types of crop? She also explained about colour of soil depend on minerals in it. We also distribute soil kit which includes practical application of soil testing. There were more than100 students benefited by this programme.
8th December,2018
Improvement Programme for NCSC National level @ KRCSC
National Children Science Congress-2018 organized by Kalyan Regional Community Science Centre Bhavnagar on 24 & 25th November 2018 at Gujarat Vidhyapith, Ahmadabad. There were 4 child scientists from Bhavnagar district selected for National level. For these students KRCSC held on improvement programme for selected students. In this programme district evaluator suggests corrections which are required for National level.
9th December,2018
Improvement Programme for NCSC National level.
National Children Science Congress-2018,Improvement Programme organized by Kalyan Regional Community Science Centre Bhavnagar on 8th December,2018 at KRCSC. Gujarat Council on Science and Technology, Gandhinagar also arrange improvement on 9th December, 2018. There were 4 child scientists from Bhavnagar district selected for National level. In this programme district evaluator suggests corrections which are required for National level.
11th December,2018
World Mountain Day Celebration (Velavadar visit ):
Almost one billion people live in mountain areas, and over half the human population depends on mountains for water, food and clean energy. Yet mountains are under threat from climate change, land degradation, over exploitation and natural disasters, with potentially far-reaching and devastating consequences, both for mountain communities and the rest of the world. In this programme we held a tour of Blackbuck National Park, Velavadar, Bhavnagar for student of VidhyaVihar Trust Higher secondary School, Ta: Mahuva, Bhavnagar. Velavadar for primary and upper primary school students. During this visit students saw museum related to blackbuck, wetland areas of the park. In this programme our expert Mr. Yashpal Vyas explained about blackbuck, their species, what is the meaning of albino blackbuck .He also explained about various bird found in the park and identification of birds. There were 60 students and teachers visited this park.
11th December ,2018
Vigyan Safar :
Safar means visit the place in which we interested and get more information related to that place. KRCSC have two different model’s room and laboratory and Multimedia theatre. In Vigyan Safar programme students are allow to visit our science centre where they can see different science model, solar energy model, electric saving model, sensor related models etc. In laboratory students can see life cycle of different animals, living animal’s specimen& also do some experiment by themselves and at last in multimedia theatre students show different scientific movie. We carried out 1 programme of Vigyan Safar. There were 60 students from Vidhyavihar Trust high school came to visit the KRCSC.
12th December ,2018
Visit to Black buck National Park, Velavadar.
Every year 21st March is celebrated as World Forestry Day. To create awareness among community through students about value, significance & Contribution of the forests to balance the life cycle on earth. With this motto Kalyan Regional Community Science Centre, Bhavnagar organise Visit to Black buck National Park, Velavadar for Hathab High school, Ta: Bhavnagar students. During this visit students saw museum related to blackbuck, wetland areas of the park. In this programme our expert Mr. Yashpal Vyas explained about blackbuck, their species, what is the meaning of albino blackbuck .He also explained about various bird found in the park and identification of birds. There were 70 students and teachers visited this park.
14th December,2018
Energy Conservation awareness Rally(celebration on Energy Conservation day)
Bal Urja Rakshak Dal (BURD) Programme running under Gujarat Energy Development Authority (GEDA). The aim of this organisation is to pass the message related to energy conservation and uses of renewable energy resources to the People. For the same Kalyan Regional Community Science Centre, Bhavnagar Incorporate with GEDA organized Energy Conservation Rally on 14th December 2018 (National Energy Conservation Day) during 7.30 to 05:00pm in various aria of Bhavnagar city. Our expert share their thoughts on energy crisis faced by us and use of renewable energy resources. signal to the rally Energy Conservation rally starts at Tejaswi primary School & afterwards on other 3 school students participated in this rally the second was M.S.B. school no. 73, third Mahalakshmi high school and fourth Vidhyavihar secondary High school, chitra. During this rally students carry banner of their school, play card and different slogan related to energy conservation with them. There were more than 800 students & teachers from 4 school of Bhavnagar District participated in this rally.
16th December ,2018
Comet Gazing Programme @ Koliyak, Ta: Ghogha, Bvn. &Takhteshwar, Bvn.
We know the Father of Nation Gandhiji but we don’t know that he has keen interest in astronomy. To create awareness among people about astronomy Cultural department of India organise Bapu Khagol Mela to celebrate 150th birth anniversary of Gandhiji. As a part of this programme Kalyan Regional Community Science Centre, Bhavnagar organised Comet 46/P wiratanen Gazing by telescope at Takhteshwar Temple, Bhavnagar and also Koliyak , Ta: Ghogha ,Bhavnagar. In this Comet gazing all people benefited by a lecture on what is comet and why it’s come to near at the Earth. Our expert Mr. Subhasbhai Mehta explained and saw a pictures and chart for comet. And also explain about constellation and discuss about some secret about galaxy. Astronomy club organize a sky gazing by Telescope and show a moon , mars and Saturn planet. In this programme more than100 people were benefited.
17th December,2018
Universe Info by Slide Show @ Dared, Ta. Vallbhipur, Bvn.
We know the universe in infinite. We are not satisfied though we learn more and more about universe. To satisfy students curiosity of students related to universe Kalyan Regional Community Science Centre, Bhavnagar held on universe info by slide show programme for Dared high school Ta: Vallbhipur, Bhavnagar students. In this Programme our expert Mr. Harshad Joshi explained achievements of Indian Space agency ISRO, Various Launching vehicles, Indian Space Scientist and information about various planets, Satellites etc. More than 100 students benefited by this programme.
22th December , 2018
Lecture on National Mathematics Day:
In India, the day December 22 has been declared as the National Mathematics Day. D. r Manmohan Singh also announced that the year 2012 CE would be celebrated as the National Mathematics Year The Indian mathematical genius Srinivasa Ramanujan was born on 22 December 1887 and died on 26 April 1920. It was in recognition of his contribution to mathematics the Government of India decided to celebrate Ramanujan’s birthday as the National Mathematics Day every year and to celebrate 2012 as the National Mathematical Year. National Mathematics day was celebrated by Kalyan Regional Community Science centre, Bhavnagar at Shri L.L. Kakadiya Secondary School, Ta: Vallbhipur, In this programme our expert Mr. Harshad Joshi explained life history of A Great scientist Ramanujan, mathematics Past, Present and Future by slide show. Afterwards he explained how to make mathematical models to the students and according to his instruction students made different models mode like The magic square of Ramanujan, Taxi Cube and Magic of number Nine etc. Total 250 students benefited by this programme.
23th December , 2018
National Farmer Day celebration Visit Victoria Park, Bhavnagar.
National Farmers’ Day (Kisan Diwas) 2018 was celebrated all over India on 23rd of December, on the birthday of the 5th Prime Minister of India, Chaudhry Charan Singh, also a farmer's leader, who introduced many policies to improve the lives of the Indian farmers. Farmers are the backbone of India. India's land of agricultural land celebrates National Farmer's Day on December 23 so that the great work done by the farmers of our country can be respected. We organized a visit of Victoria park, Bhavnagar for students of VidhyaVihar school Ta: Mahuva, Bhavnagar. Our expert explains about Utility about importance of trees for soil. In this visit More than 60 students benefited .
23th December , 2018
Venus gazing programme at Koliyak
Night Trekking and Sky Gazing programme @ Koliyak, Ta. & Dist. Bhavnagar. On the 1st day we also organised Night Sky Gazing by Telescope Koliyak for scout guide students. In this programme our expert gave information about Various Constellation & explained relation between astrology & astronomy. We also saw Venus by telescope. There were more than 200 participant benefited by this programme.
23th December , 2018
Super moon Gazing Programme:
Super moons happen when a full moon approximately coincides with the moon's perigee, or a point in its orbit at which it is closest to Earth. To saw super moon Bhavnagar Astronomy Club working under Kalyan Regional Community Science centre, Bhavnagar organised Super moon gazing by telescope @ Takhteshwar Temple. In this programme our expert Mr. Subhasbhai Mehta explained about what is super moon, science behind this event, difference between super moon occurred on 23th December , 2018. He also Explained about various phases of moon by slide show. There were more than 120 people participated in this event.
25thDecember , 2018
Scientific Movie show @ KRCSC, Bvn.
Safar means visit the place in which we interested and get more information related to that place. KRCSC have two different model’s room and laboratory and Multimedia theatre.
In this programme we shows scientific movie to Vidhyavihar trust primary school student sand also visited them KRCSC. In this programme students are allow to visit our science centre where they can see different science model, solar energy model, electric saving model, sensor related models etc. In laboratory students can see life cycle of different animals, living animal’s specimen & also do some experiment by themselves. We carried out a programme of Vigyan Safar More than 50 students visited KRCSC during this show.
30thDecember, 2018
State Level VIPNET Workshop @ Hotel Gen.-X, Bvn.
The Kalyan Regional Community Science Centre (KRCSC) is connected with Vigyan Prasar (VP) through VIPNET CLUB and supported by Gujarat Council on Science and Technology, Gandhinagar. More than 20thousand VIPNET CLUB is connected with Vigyan Prasar network. In the year 2016-17 Kalyan Regional Community Science Centre, Bhavnagar is selected as platinum club among other VIPNET club in the state of Gujarat. As part of this KRCSC organized state level workshop on “Sustainable Technology is our Future.” for the Science students, Teachers and persons who have keen interest in the field of science. In this work shop we invited as dignitaries Mr. Bharat Pathak(Geer Foundation, Junagadh) , Dr. Brijmohan Thakor (Professor of Physics, Sardar Patel University, Anand) ,Dr. Atindra Shukla (I/C Director D.D. University, Nadiad)Dr. Hitesh shah (Associate Pro., Science College, Bhavnagar), Mr. Shubhash Maheta (Rtd, Pro., Science College, Bhavnagar),Dr. Sandip Kumar(DCF, Bhavnagar). Our expert deeply explains on their topics. This workshop held at hotel Generation –X, Bhavnagar. There were more than85 students and teachers benefited by this Workshop.
27th to 31th December , 2018
National Children Science Congress Programme (National Level) @ Bhubaneswar, Odisha.
26th National Children Science Congress host by Odisha State. This programme supported & catalysed National Council of Science & Technology Communication and Department of Science & Technology, Government of India, hosted by Odisha government. This programme was scheduled on 27th to 31st December, 2018at Siksha ‘O’ Anusandhan University, Bhuvaneswar. In this programme more than 750 child Scientist from all over India and Asian and Gulf Country presented their research work. Many other activities are also planned for students and teachers. 04 Child scientist from Bhavnagar district also participated In this National level programme.
Lecture on Renewable Energy Resources:
Today’s Era energy crisis is emerging as a big problem for human being. So we have to conserve energy resources. In students age we try to explain about non-renewable resources are finished in nearby future and we have to start use renewable energy resources. Students understand the importance of energy Kalyan Regional Community Science centre, Bhavnagar organized Awareness Generation Programmes on Sustainable Energy under Bal Urja Rakshak Dal-2017-18 programme powered by Climate Change Department, Government of Gujarat and Gujarat Energy Development Agency, Gandhinagar. Under this Programme Kalyan Regional Community Science centre, Bhavnagar held on Lecture on Renewable Resources in various Upper Primary, Secondary and Higher Secondary schools of Bhavnagar. Our Experts explained about what energy is, energy crisis means. Types of energy Resources. He also explained about renewable recourse used in nowadays like Solar cooker, Solar steel, Solar roof top, solar water heater and many more. There were more than 2000 students and teachers benefited by this programme
Renewable Energy Recourse Chart Exhibition:
Today’s Era energy crisis is emerging as a big problem for human being. So we have to conserve energy resources. In students age we try to explain about non-renewable resources are finished in nearby future and we have to start use renewable energy resources. Students understand the importance of energy Kalyan Regional Community Science centre, Bhavnagar organized Awareness Generation Programmes on Sustainable Energy under Bal Urja Rakshak Dal-2018-19 programme powered by Climate Change Department, Government of Gujarat and Gujarat Energy Development Agency, Gandhinagar. Under this Programme Kalyan Regional Community Science centre, Bhavnagar held on Renewable Energy Recourse Chart Exhibition in various Upper Primary, Secondary and Higher Secondary schools of Bhavnagar. In this Chart exhibition students saw a various chart about biogas plant, Solar pump, solar drayar , windmill etc. There were more than 2500 students and teachers benefited by this programme.
Renewable Energy Quiz Competition:
Today’s Era energy crisis is emerging as a big problem for human being. So we have to conserve energy resources. In students age we try to explain about non-renewable resources are finished in nearby future and we have to start use renewable energy resources. Students understand the importance of energy Kalyan Regional Community Science centre, Bhavnagar organized Awareness Generation Programmes on Sustainable Energy under Bal Urja Rakshak Dal-2017-18 programme powered by Climate Change Department, Government of Gujarat and Gujarat Energy Development Agency, Gandhinagar. Under this Programme Kalyan Regional Community Science centre, Bhavnagar held on Renewable energy quiz competition in various Upper Primary, Secondary and Higher Secondary schools of Bhavnagar. In this competition we plan 3 round. Each round is tough enough for all students. In final round we selected only 5 students. These 5 students represent their schools in district level Urja Utsav. There were more than 2600 students and teachers benefited by this programme.
January 2019
Lecture on Renewable Energy Resources:
Today’s Era energy crisis is emerging as a big problem for human being. So we have to conserve energy resources. In students age we try to explain about non-renewable resources are finished in nearby future and we have to start use renewable energy resources. Students understand the importance of energy Kalyan Regional Community Science centre, Bhavnagar organized Awareness Generation Programmes on Sustainable Energy under Bal Urja Rakshak Dal-2017-18 programme powered by Climate Change Department, Government of Gujarat and Gujarat Energy Development Agency, Gandhinagar. Under this Programme Kalyan Regional Community Science centre, Bhavnagar held on Lecture on Renewable Resources in various Upper Primary, Secondary and Higher Secondary schools of Bhavnagar. Our Experts explained about what energy is, energy crisis means. Types of energy Resources. He also explained about renewable recourse used in nowadays like Solar cooker, Solar steel, Solar roof top, solar water heater and many more.There were more than 2000 students and teachers benefited by this programme
Renewable Energy Recourse Chart Exhibition:
Today’s Era energy crisis is emerging as a big problem for human being. So we have to conserve energy resources. In students age we try to explain about non-renewable resources are finished in nearby future and we have to start use renewable energy resources. Students understand the importance of energy Kalyan Regional Community Science centre, Bhavnagar organized Awareness Generation Programmes on Sustainable Energy under Bal Urja Rakshak Dal-2018-19 programme powered by Climate Change Department, Government of Gujarat and Gujarat Energy Development Agency, Gandhinagar. Under this Programme Kalyan Regional Community Science centre, Bhavnagar held on Renewable Energy Recourse Chart Exhibition in various Upper Primary, Secondary and Higher Secondary schools of Bhavnagar. In this Chart exhibition students saw a various chart about biogas plant, Solar pump, solar drayar , windmill etc. There were more than 2500 students and teachers benefited by this programme.
Renewable Energy Quiz Competition:
Today’s Era energy crisis is emerging as a big problem for human being. So we have to conserve energy resources. In students age we try to explain about non-renewable resources are finished in nearby future and we have to start use renewable energy resources. Students understand the importance of energy Kalyan Regional Community Science centre, Bhavnagar organized Awareness Generation Programmes on Sustainable Energy under Bal UrjaRakshak Dal-2017-18 programme powered by Climate Change Department, Government of Gujarat and Gujarat Energy Development Agency, Gandhinagar. Under this Programme Kalyan Regional Community Science centre, Bhavnagar held on Renewable energy quiz competition in various Upper Primary, Secondary and Higher Secondary schools of Bhavnagar. In this competition we plan 3 round. Each round is tough enough for all students. In final round we selected only 5 students. These 5 students represent their schools in district level Urja Utsav. There were more than 2600 students and teachers benefited by this programme.
05 January 2019
Superstition Awareness Programme:
Although there is no single definition of superstition, it generally means a belief in supernatural forces – such as fate – the desire to influence unpredictable factors and a need to resolve uncertainty. In this way then, individual beliefs and experiences drive superstitions, which explains why they are generally irrational and often defy current scientific wisdom. They have been there from times immemorial. Kalyan Regional Community Science Centre, Bhavnagar organized Superstition Awareness programme for NSS Students at B.M. Commerce High school, Bhavnagar and students at Malanka primary school, Bhavnagar. In this Programme our Expert explained about what is superstition, by different phenomena which are carrying out by our ancient time and explained scientific reason with practical demonstration & also told the scientific reason behind our rituals. There were 450 students benefited by this programme.
07 January 2019
Lecture on National Birds Day :-
Nature lovers, bird lovers and bird watchers across the country annually recognize national bird day on January 5. In general wildlife lover and naturalist celebrate this day to educate student about birds which is endanger in wildlife, to protect it. Kalyan Regional Community Science Centre, Bhavnagar organised lecture on birds and Immigrates Birds. In this lecture our expert explained so many bird species are under threat thanks to the illegal pet trade, disease, and habitat loss means it’s more important than ever to raise public awareness of the needs of birds. The survival of hundreds of species depends on it. There were more than 100 students benefited by this programme.
07 January 2019
Drawing Competition to Celebrate National Birds Day:-
Birds have a special place in our hearts, their beauty, their songs, their flight, so it’s time to celebrate them on National Bird Day on January 5! While birds are amazing, To Celebrate this day Kalyan Regional Community Science Centre, Bhavnagar organised drawing competition for Scout guide students. In this competition students draw a picture on their thoughts about immigrates birds. First, Second and third winner got Rs. 300/-, 200/- and 100/- cash prize respectively.
20th January 2019
Botad District Level Urja Utsav-2018:
Botad Bal Urja Rakshak Dal-2019 programme sponsored by Climate Change Department (GOG), Gujarat Energy Development Agency (GEDA), Gandhinagar. The Motive behind this programme is that Students get practical knowledge how to save environment from the pollution of non renewable energy. Since last 2 month team of KRCSC held on various programme like Energy Quiz, lecture on energy resources, chart & model exhibition under Awareness Generation Programmes on renewable Energy at 60 schools of Bhavnagar District. During this programme 5 best students were selected in quiz competition .this 5 selected students represent their school in district level Urja Utsav.
On 20th January, 2019 KRCSC organized District level Urja Utsav-2019 at Shri Adarsh secondary and Higher Secondary School, Hadadad, Botad. KRCSC plan various activities for all School Students. In inauguration ceremony of this Programme Mr. G.G. Bhandaliya (Dep. Eng.PGVCL), Mr. Prabhu Trasadiya (M.G., Adarsh Sec.& High. Sec. School, Hadadad,Botad), Mr. Sanjay Dhandhal (Principal, Adarsh School),Ms. Payal Solanki (Child Scientist, NCSC-2019),Ms. Bhumika Patel (Principal, M.S.B. 24, Botad) were present to motivate the Students. Invitee Guests flag off the rally after inauguration function. In this Programme there were 5 Competition held for students Like Slogan and Drawing Competition ,Model & Chart Exhibition, Quick Elocution Competition , Energy Quiz Competition and Fancy Dress Competition. 1st, 2nd & 3rd Winner got Rs. 500/-, 350/- and 200/- cash prize respectively and every participant got certificate in these competition. In all Competition Shri Adarsh secondary and Higher Secondary School, Hadadad,Botad achieve Best School of the Programme. There were more than 250 students and teacher participated in this programme.
07 January 2019
Super Blue Blood Moon Gazing Programme by Telescope@ Takhteshwar Temple:
The only total Lunar Eclipse of 2019, which is also being called as Super Blood Wolf Moon is over. The first pictures of the rare phenomenon are out now. The Moon appeared reddish and closer to Earth, and the total eclipse lasted for 62 minutes. For Bhavnagar Astrogazer Kalyan Regional Community Science centre, Bhavnagar Organized Super Blue Blood Gazing on 21st January, 2019 by telescope at Takhteshwar Temple. KRCSC arrange 3 telescopes with live projection. Mr. Subhasbhai Mehta our Expert explained about eclipses, constelaĊ£iile, and zodiac sign. He also gave information about “Chandra Mission” of ISRO and Apollo Mission of NASA. More than 200 people were a part of this rare astronomical.
29th January 2019
Food Adulteration Programme:
Food adulteration is the process in which the quality of food is lowered either by the addition of inferior quality material or by extraction of valuable ingredient. It not only includes the intentional addition or substitution of the substances but biological and chemical contamination during the period of growth, storage, processing, transport and distribution of the food products, is also responsible for the lowering or degradation of the quality of food products. Adulterants are those substances which are used for making the food products unsafe for human consumption. To create awareness about how to find that we have adulterated food or not Kalyan Regional Community Science Centre, Bhavnagar organised food adulteration Awareness Programme for women’s, collage & School students of the district. In this programme we explained about adulterants means, how can we fine adulteration in our food item by using household chemicals & other materials and affect adulterants on our human body.
9thFebruary 2019
Sky gazing programme @ Hathab:
Sky is a wonderful topic for scientists. Simple naked-eye observations of the sky can reveal a great deal about the basics of astronomy and give a better understanding of the cosmos, while instruments, such as telescopes, are used to study deep space. Many different celestial objects can be viewed while sky gazing during both night and daytime. We arrange a sky gazing programme at Hathab for college camping students. In this time our Expert deeply Explain about what is sky? How can we study about difference types of objects in the sky? They also give a better understanding of the planets and constellation and Zodiac by a chart of sky. There were 70 students participated.
11th February, 2019
Science Behind Superstition: @ Dhola
Superstition in India is considered a widespread social problem. Superstition refers to any belief or practice which is explained by supernatural causality, and is in contradiction to modern science. Some beliefs and practices, which are considered superstitious by some, may not be considered so by others. We invited by NSS camp of Kumar shala , Bhavnagar. During this camp they work for Dhola Village. we are going to improve their basic fundamental about Superstition with science experiment for village people. They surprised about these amazing science experiment . our expert explain about difference between superstition and Faith. They also explain about some bad current situation create for educated people due to social media superstition . There were more than 230 people.
19th February, 2019
Subhash Purnima Sky gazing Programme: @ Takhteshvar Temple
We arrange sky gazing by telescope at Takhteshvar temple every full moon for our R.I.P. Mr. Shubhash Maheta. Magh Purnima is a special day for Hindu religion. And also,February may be the shortest month of the year, but it is certainly not short of astronomical treats for sky watchers. On this programme our expert explain about the moon and also explain that the Moon acts as a celestial tour guide this month highlighting some of the things for us to look at in our night sky. On February 1st, early-risers with a clear view of the south-eastern horizon will see the waning crescent moon lying near Venus. Also making an appearance in the dawn sky is Jupiter, which can be found to the upper right of Venus. At the beginning of the month, Saturn lies low in the dawn sky but will continue to get higher as each day passes. Keep an eye on both Venus and Saturn – on the 18th, Saturn and Venus will be in conjunction with Saturn lying below Venus. There were more than 200 people benefited by this.
26th February, 2019
Universe Info by Slide show @ Adharshila school, Budhel
Sky is a wonderful topic for scientists. Simple naked-eye observations of the sky can reveal a great deal about the basics of astronomy and give a better understanding of the cosmos, while instruments, such as telescopes, are used to study deep space. Many different celestial objects can be viewed while sky gazing during both night and daytime. In this time our Expert deeply Explain about what is sky? How can we study about difference types of objects in the sky? They also give a better understanding of the planets and constellation and Zodiac by a chart of sky. Universe is very interesting subject forever astronomers. Mostly in February we see many Astronomical events like planets movements, Meteorite and constellation and Zodiac. We arranged a Universe Info by Slide show at Adhara shila School, Budhel. Our expert gives universal information for school students and their parents. There were more than 70 people participated in this programme.
28th February, 2019
National Science Day Celebration :
It is not easy to say the way science and new technologies are evolving. With the help of science, human have made their lives better and easy. Not only this, we have made impossible things possible like man is reaching into space, robots, computers etc. have been invented.
Therefore, science holds great importance in our lives. India has also contributed a lot in the field of science. Many great scientists were born in India and recognized India in the field of science and made a separate place too. On 28th of February every year the National Science Day is celebrated in India. Famous Indian scientist Sir Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman or CV Raman discovered the Raman Effect on this day in 1928. For his discovery, Sir CV Raman was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1930. In honour of this discovery and as a mark of tribute to the scientist, National Science Day was marked for the first time on February 28, 1987. Raman effect is the inelastic scattering of a photon by molecules which are excited to higher vibration or rotational energy levels. It is also called Raman scattering. The Raman effect forms the basis for Raman spectroscopy which is used by chemists and physicists to gain information about materials. This year the theme for the National Science Day is: Science for people and people for science. On this day Kalyan regional Community Science Centre Organize a Science safar at our centre by 3 schools students. M.S.B. 59 school, Shastrinagar, Sant Kavarram primary school and Dhanesh Mehta High school. Our expert explains about C.V. Raman and also do experiment about Raman effect. Then they visit our centre and difference model on principle of basic science. We also show a short documentary about Dr. C.V. Raman. There were more than 150 beneficiaries.
28th February, 2019
National Science Day Celebration: Model and chart exhibition
28 February also brings a day to commemorate an important discovery made by the legendary Indian physicist C V Raman. Educated entirely in India, C V Raman's expertise were acoustic vibrations — sounds of string instruments like the violin, the veena and two signature Indian percussion instruments -the tabla and midrange . CV Raman discovered the Raman Effect on this day in 1928. For his discovery, Sir CV Raman was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1930.On this day We held science model and chart exhibition at Smt. J.K. Chhotala High School, Koliyak .our expert explain about Raman Effect. And also explain about basic question related to Raman effect. Students see and understand about science model and chart. There were drawing competition, Chart exhibition, Essay writing competition, quiz competition and also working model making competition. In this programme teacher, students and other experts also participated. There were more than 530 beneficiaries.
March -2019
3rd March, 2019
District level Awareness programme on renewable Energy Resources :
Bal Urja Rakshak Dal-2019 programme sponsored by Climate Change Department (GOG), Gujarat Energy Development Agency (GEDA), Gandhinagar. The Motive behind this programme is that Students get practical knowledge how to save environment from the pollution of non renewable energy. Since last 2 month team of KRCSC held on various programme like Energy Quiz, lecture on energy resources, chart & model exhibition under Awareness Generation Programmes on renewable Energy at 60 schools of Bhavnagar District. During this programme 5 best students were selected in quiz competition .this 5 selected students represent their school in district level Urja Utsav.On 03rd march, 2019 KRCSC organized District level Urja Utsav-2019 at Shri M.J. College of Commerce, Vidhyanagar, Bhavnagar. KRCSC plan various activities for all School Students. In inauguration ceremony of this Programme Dr. Girish Vaghani (V.C.,MKBU), Mr. Hiren Bhatt (Principal, DIET Bhavan, Sidsar), Dr. Ashok Patel (Drawing Artist), Dr. Hitesh Shah (Asso. Prof., Sir P.P. Science College, Bhavnagar), Mr. Pareshbhai Trivedi (President, Kalyan Foundation Trust), Dr. Bhavesh Bharad (Chairman, KRCSC) were present to motivate the Students. Invitee Guests flag off the rally after inauguration function. In this Programme there were 5 Competition held for students Like Slogan and Drawing Competition ,Model & Chart Exhibition, Quick Elocution Competition , Energy Quiz Competition and Fancy Dress Competition. 1st, 2nd & 3rd Winner got Rs. 500/-, 350/- and 200/- cash prize respectively and every participant got certificate in these competition. In all Competition Shri Ganesh Shala,Timana Ta: Talaja achieve Best School of the Programme. There were more than 309 students and teacher participated in this programme.
8th March, 2019
Self defence Programme On International Women Day:
International Women's Day (March 8) is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. The day also marks a call to action for accelerating gender parity. International Women's Day is all about unity, celebration, reflection, advocacy and action - whatever that looks like globally at a local level. But one thing is for sure, International Women's Day has been occurring for well over a century - and continue is to grow from strength to strength.
On this day Kalyan Regional Community Science Centre, Bhavnagar organised self defence Programme for N.C. Gandhi Kumari Vidhyamandir, Bhavnagar and also for Shri Swami Vivekanand College . In this programme our Karate expert Mr. Vinod Malani Teach to the school and college girls some basic movements to save herself from other. They also teach them to counts in Japanese language. More than 500 students and teacherwere being participated In this Programme.
13thMarch 2019
Celebration on World Wilde Life Day:
Every year 3rd March is celebrated as World Wildlife Day .This is celebrates all the species of animals and plants in our eco system and their significance. They day admires their contribution to the bio diversity of the planet and acknowledges the fact that the extinction of wildlife will lead to the collapse of eco system. To create awareness among community through students about value, significance & Contribution of the forests to balance the life cycle on earth. With this motto Kalyan Regional Community Science Centre, Bhavnagar organise Visit to Victoria Park, Kaliyabid Bhavnagar for primary and upper primary school students. During this visit students saw different types of animals and birds, wetland areas of the park. In this programme our expert explained about different species of snakes. He also explained about various bird found in the park and identification of birds. There were 57 students and teachers visited this park.
14thMarch 2019
One day workshop on Pi day Celebration:
Pi Day is celebrated on March 14th (3/14) around the world. Pi (Greek letter “π”) is the symbol used in mathematics to represent a constant the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter which is approximately 3.14159. Students learn importance of Pi and get more knowledge about uses of Pi with this purpose Kalyan Regional Community Science Centre, Bhavnagar organise one day workshop on Pi day. In this workshop our expert explain about basic information and how to find its value by using circle theory Pi (π) is the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter. It doesn't matter how big or small the circle is - the ratio stays the same. Than all students also find a value by drawing and counting Circle.There were 155 students participated in this workshop.
14th March ,2019
Food Adulteration Programme:
Among man’s everyday needs, food plays a major sustaining role. From the simple dish to the most elaborate haute cuisine, food preparation is as varied and rich as man’s taste. Adulteration of food commonly defined as “the addition or subtraction of any substance to or from food, so that the natural composition and quality of food substance is affected". The most common reason for adulteration is the use by manufacturers of undeclared materials that are cheaper than the correct and declared ones. The adulterants may be harmful, or reduce the potency of the product, or they may be harmless. Food which is our basic needs is adulterated or not how can we find out. For that Kalyan Regional Community Science Centre, organised Food Adulteration awareness programme for school student. Our expert explain why trading people do this. They explain that Ground rice was added to sugar, soil to cocoa, and ground brick to paprika… etc. They also give a practical knowledge with some food adulteration. There were 60 students and teacher participated in this programme.
14th March ,2019
Science Behind Superstition:
Superstitions are usually attributed to a lack of education. A superstition means excessively credulous belief in and reverence for the supernatural. Kalyan Regional Community Science Centre organised this kind of programme to create scientific temperament to the students, women’s and in community. We explained science behind different superstitious experiment carried out by in our daily life by intentionally or Unintentionally. We carried out 2 programme of superstition awareness programme. There were 170 students benefited by this programme.
18th March 2019
Learn Without Lab:
The most intelligent species “Human being” depends on Science. Well Science holds the key to our future. Scientific inventions & modern day technologies have completely changed the human life. The study of science should begin early in life. The first steps should be to teach boys and girls the habit of observation so its educative influence on the mind of students. This can be done using easy and natural study of science using different material objects that they can always seeing. To teach easy and realistic science Kalyan Regional Community Science Centre, Bhavnagar organised Learn without lab Programme in Dhrupka Primary School, Dhrupka, Ta: Shihor Bhavnagar district. We show different practical’s used in daily life and also included in their syllabus. In this way we explained different science rules like Balance, Air pressure, Water pressure, reaction between acid- bases extra. More than 100students benefited by this programme.
18th ,March 2019
Universe Info by Slide Show:
We know the universe in infinite. We are not satisfied though we learn more and more about universe. To satisfy students curiosity of students related to universe Kalyan Regional Community Science Centre, Bhavnagar held on universe info by slide show programme for primary, secondary, Higher Secondary, Collage students. In this Programme our expert Mr. Harshad Joshi explained achievements of Indian Space agency ISRO, Various Launching vehicles, Indian Space Scientist and information about various planets, Satellites etc. There were 250 students benefited by this progarmme.
20th,March 2019
Celebration on World Sparrow Day-2019:
World Sparrow Day is celebrated on the March 20th of every year. The objective of World Sparrow Day is to educate the public about the threat of polluted urban environments and non-caring humans to the house sparrow population, as well as to other common bird species. The day was created with an aim to encourages the appreciation of common biodiversity, which offers a change from the typical attention surrounding rare and exotic species Kalyan Regional Community Science Centre, Bhavnagar organized to distribute a nest and a water pot for sparrow. There were more then1000 people and schools participated in this programme.
20th, March 2019
'Super Worm Moon' gazing programme:
Spring Equinox Brings the 'Super Worm Moon'. In this month we know that spring comes. The full moon of March, called the Worm Moon, just under four hours after the vernal equinox the moment when the length of day and night on Earth is nearly the same, marking the start of spring in the Northern Hemisphere and autumn in the Southern Hemisphere. On this day Kalyan Regional Community Science Centre, Bhavnagar organized Lecture on Spring Equinox for community people. Our expert explains about how these situations create. It is also come a day after the moon reaches perigee, the closest point to Earth, making the full moon a "Supermoon," appearing slightly larger than the full moon usually does. Kalyan Regional Community Science Centre, Bhavnagar organised 'Super Worm Moon gazing programme @ Takhteshwar temple, Bhavnagar .We also arranged 12’’ inch telescope named Subhash 12’’ for astronomer. There were more than 700 citizens were participated in this astronomical event.
24th,March 2019
Nest distribution programme On World Sparrow Day-2019:
World Sparrow Day is celebrated on the March 20th of every year. The objective of World Sparrow Day is to educate the public about the threat of polluted urban environments and non-caring humans to the house sparrow population, as well as to other common bird species. The day was created with an aim to encourages the appreciation of common biodiversity, which offers a change from the typical attention surrounding rare and exotic species Kalyan Regional Community Science Centre, Bhavnagar organized to distribute a nest and a water pot for sparrow. There were more then1000 people and schools participated in this programme.
25th march 2019
Vigyan safar :
Vigyan safar means to visit a place which gives a scientific knowledge about Basic science. To learn basic rules of science in daily life, Kalyan Regional Community Science Centre, Bhavnagar organized to visit a centre for different primary, secondary and higher secondary school students of Bhavnagar District. In this visit students learn and play with science model. They also solve their questions and puzzle related to science in this programme there were 06 Different primary schools of Bhavnagar Taluka and Palitana Taluka 150students and teachers Benefited by this safar.